Thursday 29 May 2014

Printing nautical fabric

Had a flurry of half term fabric printing - my daughter printed this duck egg blue cotton with shells, birds and boats. When dry and ironed, to fix the paint, we are going to make it into a cushion


Sunday 25 May 2014

Shirts, shirts, shirts

Husband liked his first shirt so much I made him another one. All a bit Paul Smith with contrasting fabric and in a lighter fabric for, hopefully, all those hot summery days ahead. The fabric comes from a great shop we found on hols in Totnes
My sisters husband next.......

Monday 12 May 2014

Fabric printing

Experimented with printing using acrylic paint mixed with textile medium onto some unbleached cotton.
The block is made using some art foam cut into shape with scissors or craft knife( craft foam from hobbycraft works well). I made indentations in the foam with an old knife for lines and a skewer for eyes. The foam is then glued onto card cut to the same shape to give the block a bit of depth. Finally glue it onto a wood block. Scraps of wood work well - just sand the edges so they wont catch any ink and you wont catch any splinters!
The ink is made 1:1 mix of paint and medium. I used a mixture of pigment red and burnt sienna to get a soft red to go with the colour of the cotton.The block is then rolled up before each print using a foam roller. It is really fun and speedy. I think a bit more experimenting with the block and depth of card would help make a crisper image.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Windsor Emporium Printmaking Class

I'm going to be doing an introduction to printmaking with lino at the Windsor Emporium on Sunday 8th June 3-5 pm. You will learn how to carve and print your lino onto paper and go away with the skills to carry on at home. All materials will be provided for the session and if you enjoy it there will be lino, inks etc to buy. The class will cost £32. For further information do email me at