Wednesday 23 September 2015

Art For Youth 2015

Art for Youth Exhibition is coming round again, this time at the Mall Galleries in central London. It is open on 7 and 8th October - for tickets follow this link. I am showing five of my lino and woodcuts. Hope to see you there.

Monday 27 April 2015

Henley Royal Regatta linocut

Printed this today, to be exhibited at the Gallery at Henley Royal Regatta - I am exhibiting five this year.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Lino print classes

Carve a design into lino and then print! make your own cards or something to put proudly on your wall. Classes on Wednesday and Friday mornings.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Dame Zandra Rhodes shirt

Hellinda (one of my most industrious pupils) made this fabulous shirt with fabric from Dame Zandra Rhodes's latest collection. Here they both are at a lecture that Dame Zandra was giving at Lady Sew and Sew!