Friday 18 July 2014

How to make a pie frill collar

I found a couple of pie frill shirts in a charity shop and just love the whole 80's Lady Diana thing about them . As I was not too sure about the summer dress( previous post) I reused the fabric to make this shirt.

For the frill take a 4cm wide x 3 times the length of your collar stand piece of fabric, fold along the length, pattern on outside and press.

Press interfacing to one collar stand.

Pin the frill to the interfaced side of the collar stand, pattern to pattern- use lots of pins! pleating as you go, fiddle about with it a bit to get even pleats. I found about 0.5cm per pleat worked well. The open edge of the pleated fabric is facing out. When you have finished pinning tack/baste the frill in place then lay the other collar stand on top to make a sandwich with the frill hidden in the middle.

 Stitch a 1.5cm seam , I have done this in green so it shows up, then clip the curves as below

 Turn the right way out and press, tah dah!

Pin the back of your collar stand to the back on your shirt, right sides facing, tack then stitch in place with a 1.5cm seam

For the inside of the collar, press a 1.5cm seam on the collar stand , you may need slightly less/ more of a seam so that the collar lies flat, pin and use a hand stitch to attach, ladder stitch works well.

 Finished shirt - perfect to keep the sunburn off the back of your neck and for those vintage moments.

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